摘要:本文着重考察1930——1990年代这一历史时期冀南农村家庭结构的变动。在60年的历史演变中 ,冀南农村家庭结构呈现两个特征 :一是复合家庭由土地改革前占一定比例 ,到土改后逐步萎缩 ,1960年代中期以后陆续在一些村庄消失 ;二是核心家庭比重稳步增多。虽然土改前各个村庄核心家庭均是比重最大的家庭类别 ,但它还未占到绝对多数。土改以后 ,特别是集体经济时代 ,核心型小家庭成为多数家庭成员的追求。多子家庭不仅子女婚后希望及时分家 ,父母为减轻生活负担和减少家庭矛盾也愿与已婚子女分财各爨。家庭核心化局面在1960年代中期之后逐渐开始形成。
关键词:1930—1990年代; 华北农村; 家庭结构; 社会变动
A Study on the Changing Family Structure in Rural North China: Cases in Southern Hebei Province Abstract:Explored here are changes in the rural family structure in southern Hebei province during the 1930s and the 1990s. Two major features emerge: on the one hand, composite families that made up a proportion of the total before the Land Reform Movement decreased after it, and gradually disappeared in some villages after the mid 1960s; on the other hand, the number of nuclear families kept growing. Nuclear families, while they had always made up the largest portion in all village, were not the overwhelming majority before the Land Reform Movement. After the Land Reform, particularly in the collective era, a small sized nuclear family became the goal of most family members. Married children in a family wished to live separately, so did their parents in hope of relieving themselves from the burden of a large family and avoiding conflicts. The nuclear family became the dominant model after the 1960s.
全文阅读 文章出处:中国社会科学,2003年第4期