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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王跃生 参加讨论

    摘要:文章着重就开展社会变革与当代农村婚姻家庭变动研究的意义 ,迄今这方面研究的状态、不足 ,分析视角等作了初步考察。指出 1 940~ 1 990年是中国农村社会变革最剧烈的时期 ,农民的婚姻家庭行为所受触动之大是史无前例的。目前完整经历过社会变革影响的人口群体和调查对象日渐萎缩和减少 ,因而非常有必要加大对这一研究的投入。
    关键词: 农村; 婚姻家庭; 社会变革
    A Review of Research on Social Change and Marriage and Family in Contemporary Rural China
    Abstract: The paper reviews research concerning social change and marriage and family in the contemporary Chinese countryside,and it focuses on the status,insufficiencies and analytical perspectives of this research.It points out that between 1940 and 1990 the rural Chinese society experienced a profound transformation,and rural marriage and family life also experienced unprecedented changes.At present many of the people who experienced this social transformation in its entirety is shrinking,and so there is an urgent necessity to increase research in this area.
    Keywords: countryside; marriage and family; social transformation

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