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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王跃生 参加讨论

    摘要:  依据抽样调查资料和阶级成分档案资料 ,冀南农村的分家行为与传统具有很强的延续性。三四十年代的华北农村仍是传统色彩浓厚的社会 ,尽管合爨共财受到推崇 ,但在实际生活中要保持大家庭状态并非易事。兄弟婚后分家往往是不可避免的 ,差异只是从结婚到分家的间隔有长短之别。中国家庭财产的平均继承制度和观念不断侵蚀着大家庭的存在基础。当然在不同阶层中 ,家庭分合的力量是有差异的。贫穷阶层缺少维系大家庭的物质基础 ,各自谋生成为主流。富裕中农家庭对生产的协作要求较高 ,因而 ,容易维持不分状态 ;但若父家长去世 ,分家往往不可避免。有雇工经营能力的家庭 ,既有适于合爨的条件 ,也有便于分家的因素。
    关键词:冀南地区; 私有制度; 分家行为
    Research on Household Division in Rural South Hebei during the 1930s and 1940s
    Abstract: Based on sample survey data and dass status materials, this artide systemiatically examines household division in the villages of south Hebei.During the 1930s and 1940s,rural south Hebei was still a heavily traditional Society.Although big families were highly praised,in real life it was not easy to maintain them for long periods.For brothers in most families,property division was unavoidable after marriage.The difference from family to family was only in the length of time from marriage to division.The system and ideal of equal inheritance ate away at the base of existence of big families.Of course,the forces for household division and coherence were different in different families.Poor families had no financial base to hold all members together,so it was common for each to fend for himself.Rich peasants’ families placed greater demands on cooperation in production,so it was easier for them to remain undivided.However,when the head of a family died,division was always inevitable.In families which could hire laborers,conditions were suitable both for maintaining the household undivided and for dividing the household.

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