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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 牛建林 参加讨论

    摘要: 文章利用中国综合社会调查数据与县级主要社会经济统计资料,分析了20世纪80年代以来中国农村地区外出务工现象对义务教育阶段在校学生辍学的影响。研究发现,农村地区同龄人外出务工现象对义务教育阶段在校学生辍学具有吸引与示范作用。一个区县同龄人外出务工的比例越高,在校学生义务教育阶段辍学的可能性越高;与完成义务教育者相比,初中辍学者更有可能外出务工。与同龄人外出的影响不同,家人外出有助于降低农村中小学生辍学的风险,促进其接受较高的教育。
    关键词: 义务教育; 辍学; 教育决策; 外出务工
    Impacts of Labor Migration on Compulsory Schooling Dropout in Rural China
    Abstract: Using the data from the CGSS 2006 and county-level socioeconomic indicators,this article examines the impacts of labor migration on the dropouts of school-age children during compulsory education since the 1980s in rural China.Results show that the peers’ migration encourages school-age children to dropout during compulsory education.The teenagers who drop out from junior middle school are more likely to become labor migrants.To the contrary,the migration of family members has significant effects of protecting school-age children from dropping out during compulsory education and enhancing their chance of pursuing higher education.

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