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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 张展新;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 中国的人口流动正在经历着从家庭成员分离向家庭成员团聚的转变。本文利用"北京市常住流动人口家庭户调查"数据,做流动人口家庭的团聚及分离的流入地视角的定量研究。我们把家庭类型变量与受访者个人变量相联系,考察影响流动人口家庭分合的因素,发现流动家庭的农业/非农业户口性质与家庭团聚与分离的关联不大,家庭成员的个人因素,如良好教育、较高收入、流入时间长等,都有利于家庭团聚。两类家庭受访者信息的比较研究还显示,团聚家庭在定居意愿、使子女有更好教育等问题上,表现出更为积极的心态。
    关键词: 人口流动; 离散家庭; 团聚家庭
    Family Reunion of Floating Population:the Case of Beijing
    Abstract: China’s population flow is transferring from separation of family members between sending areas and receiving areas into reunion of them in the receiving ones.Based on Beijing’s floating population household survey conducted in 2006,this paper studies family reuniting of floating population from perspective of a receiving city.By connecting individual variables to the family types,we find that the household registration status classified as agricultural and non-agricultural does not affect family reunion,and better education,higher income,and longer experience seem to be positive to family reuniting.Besides,reunited families are more hopeful for permanent residence and better schooling of their children in Beijing.
    Keywords: population flow; separated family; reunited family

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