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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 侯慧丽;… 参加讨论

    关键词: 流动人口; 居住问题; 社会福利
    From Segregation to Integration:The Review on Migrates’ Housing Research
    Abstract:  the housing is one of the most important basic living conditions the floating population facing when they move into the urban.This paper reviews the research about migrants’ housing attainment and housing condition from three aspects of the housing institution,residential segregation and the city beautiful movement.it is intended to point out the new research directions and ideas with a view that housing institution should be regarded as a part of social security system to solve the practical problems of policy formulation and provide some research basis.
    Keywords:   migrates; housing attainment; social welfare

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