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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 马戎 参加讨论

    摘要: 文章对少数民族人口流动的基本态势进行了分析,并在作者实地调查的基础上对这些劳动力流动与就业中出现的问题进行讨论。文章指出,应从国家发展战略的高度来看待跨地域的各族人口流动,并逐步建立一个全国范围的劳动力市场,使各族劳动者能够根据自己的特长"嵌入"到全国经济的结构中去,针对目前各地劳动力市场上少数民族农民工遇到的语言障碍和缺乏就业技能等实际问题,政府必须给予必要的扶助同时关注进城少数民族农民工的"文化适应"问题。
    关键词: 人口流动; 少数民族农民工; 文化适应
    Temporary Migration and its impact on Ethnic Relations in China
    Abstract: This paper provides a general reviewof the migration flows and discusses several important issues related to these migrations based on the field research by the author.It suggests that the migration flows should be understood in the entire strategy of long-term national development.A national labor market should be gradually established and all groups will find their positions in this market based on their expertise and abilities.In this process,the government should take all necessary measures to help the minority laborers to adapt to the economic and cultural environment of urban life.

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