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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 屈小博 参加讨论

    JEL分类号:J21 J42
    Returns to Education of Informality in the Labor Market: Evidence from CULS3 Data
    Abstract: This paper, using CULS3 micro-data, examines difference of returns to education between formal and informal in the labor market from multi-perspectives. Results show: firstly, different types of workers have similar kernel density distribution of earnings in the whole. Secondly, according to hourly wage to measure, returns to education in formal sector are higher 4.8% than in informal sector. With the rise of educational level, returns to education in whether both formal sector and formal employment or both informal sector and informal employment tend to increase, and In addition, returns to vocational high school are higher than that of regular high school. Thirdly, at similar educational level, returns to educations of formal sector and formal employment are still higher than informal sector and informal employment. Fourthly, it is clearly quantile regression results that the returns to education are significantly different between formal sector and informal sector. Therefore, development of vocational education has an important value. Meanwhile, the government not only should develop methods and channel of protected informal sector but also impact earnings of informal sector through spillover effect from formal sector.
    Key word: Returns to Education, Informality, Labor Market, China

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