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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 屈小博;… 参加讨论

    Regional Differences, Proceeding Urbanization and the Cost for Reform of Household Register
    Abstract: How much cost is the reform of household registration? According to equalization of basic public service and farewell which are items of most direct correlating to basic farewells and powers, this article not only examines urban difference of the reform cost of household registration to all-level cities in China but also estimates dynamic changes of the reform of household registration with proceeding urbanization in the whole. The research shows that urban difference of the reform cost and value of household registration is the tremendous resistance of leaded reform of household registration by local government and adding up total costs of household registration are no more than 30 trillion yuans until to 2030, which equates to around 16 % on the expenditure of people's livelihood from adding up national revenue. Therefore, this reform pattern has practicability in the finance. The key of reform of household registration is a well system of cost allocation. Thus, the centre government should undertake much responsibility as well as reform of household registration should proceed wholly in China and break segmentation of administrative division among all-level cities.
    Key words: equalization of basic social farewell, reform of household registration, cost, urbanization

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