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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 都阳;屈… 参加讨论

    Development of Urban Industry, Demand of Employment and Population Mobility: Experience from China and International Developed Countries
    Abstract: This article, through comparative analysis of industrial distribution and employment and population accumulation from some typical international big city among China and the United States and Japan and Europe, reveals distribution relations of population size and industrial distribution and labor employment in the corresponding stage of economic development. We find, due to change of stage of economic development, industrial structure and distribution could continuously change and adjust according to relative factor prices. The market mechanism could adjust labor demand and promote continuous optimization of population structure of working age. Therefore, not only population mobility and size will correspondingly change but also the total population size and growth will change and tend to be steady.
    Key words: Metropolis, Industrial Distribution, Demand of Employment, Population Size

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