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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 蔡昉 参加讨论

    关键词:工资提高; 新生代农民工; 消费潜力; 户籍制度改革
    Citizenizationof Rural Migrant Workers and Development of New Consumers
    Abstract:The mass labor migration from rural to urban areas during reform period has accomplished the transformation of employment structure,increasing rural households' income and potentially creating a new group of consumers.Because the current urbanization is not a complete process,in which migrant workers do not obtain urban hukou and thus do not have legitimate access to public services in urban areas,migrant workers have not transformed into sufficient force to significantly expand domestic consumption,as prevents the Chinese economic growth from transforming to a consumption-pulling pattern.This paper first explores the trend of rise in migrant workers' wages,and then suggests institutional reform needed to settle migrant workers in cities in order to tap their huge potential of consumption demand.
    KeyWords:the rise in wages; new generation of rural migrant workers; consumption potential; hukou reform

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