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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 张车伟 参加讨论

    摘要: 运用宏观统计数据,本文首先回答了中国经济增长是否创造就业的问题.通过分阶段分析经济增长对就业的拉动效应.文章认为中国经济增长是一种创造了大量就业的增长;本文第二部分分析劳动供求关系的最新变化及其演变趋势.认为劳动供求关系正在发生根本性转变。但中国尚没有步入劳动力短缺时代.在今后20年左右的时间内仍然拥有充足的劳动供给;本文第三部分讨论了当前劳动力市场所面临的主要问题,认为结构性矛盾突出、就业非正规化严重、初次收入分配扭曲等问题突出:第四部分为结论,提出构建安全灵活劳动力市场的概念和设想。
    关键词: 经济增长; 就业; 劳动力市场
    Economic Growth and Employment in China:Pursuing for Fiexicurity in Chinese Labor Markets
    Abstract: This paper has four sections.Section one mainly answers the question whether the rapid economic growth in China has created enough employment or not,and concludes that it does create job opportunities as it should do based on the analysis of aggregate data on economic growth and employment.Section two presents the general trends in labor demand and supply in China,and concludes that unlimited supply of labors seems being departing from China,but this does not necessarily mean coming of the era of labor shortage,and China seems having sufficient supply of labor in next 20 years.Section three discusses major problems facing Chinese labor markets,which includes the structural problems of employment,the informalization of employment,and the distorted primary income distribution.Section four argues that a good functioned labor market must be able to combine flexibility with security in pursuit of balance between economic growth and employment.

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