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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 都阳;王… 参加讨论

    摘要: 中国的名义最低工资和实际最低工资水平都在稳步增长,最低工资的增长量、增长率和调整频率在不断提高,最低工资与平均工资之比在不断下降。月最低工资标准应为小时最低工资标准所取代,城市劳动力市场上农民工的最低工资覆盖状况尤其值得关注。
    关键词:最低工资; 劳动力市场; 农民工
    The Implementation of Minimum Wage System and its Effects in China
    Abstract: Minimum wage levels have been increasing for both nominal terms and actual terms in China1 The increase amount, increasing rate and adjustment frequency of minimum wage have been increasing and ratio of minimum wage to average wage has been declining1 Implementation of monthly rate of minimum wage should be replaced by that of hourly rate1 The coverage situation of the minimum wage concerning migrant workers should be particularly paid attention to.
    Key words: minimum wage; labor market ; migrant workers

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