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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王跃生 参加讨论

    关键词: “五普”长表数据; 家庭结构; 夫妇核心家庭; 三代直系家庭; 隔代直系家庭
    The Changing Family Structure in Contemporary China: An Analysis
    Abstract: Three tendencies may be found in the changing family structure in contemporary China. Firstly, some family types remain relatively stable, as represented by the three-generation linear families. This type has been facilitated by looser intra-family management in urban areas and the greater percentage of families with an only adult son in rural areas. Secondly, some family types are on the rise. The rise of conjugal nuclear families is obvious, a phenomenon which may mainly be attributed to the two decades of the one-child policy. Linear families only consisting of grandparents and grandchildren rank the first in terms of growth rate. As a prominent phenomenon in transitional China, this increase reflects problems in social development. The number of one person families is also increasing, mainly due to the tendency of later marriage among the young and the increased life expectancy and the percentage of surviving spouses among the elderly population. Thirdly, there are family types that show a downwards trend. The fall in impaired nuclear families(with only one parent)is obvious. The fall of standard nuclear families(married couple with their children)is mainly caused by the increase in conjugal nuclear families. In other words, it is mainly a result of changes to nuclear family itself. These three trends in China’s family structure will remain for some time in the future, accompanied by further changes in certain family types. The less complicated structure and the shrinking size of contemporary families lead to changes in family functions and relations among family members, which will in turn affect the entire society.

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