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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王美艳 参加讨论

    摘要:   本文利用2001年与2005年两次城市劳动力调查数据,分析了城市中的农民工的工资拖欠状况及其变化。2003年政府采取一系列措施治理农民工工资拖欠以来,被拖欠工资的农民工的比例大幅度降低。被拖欠工资的农民工主要就业于建筑业、批发和零售贸易、餐饮业、制造业等行业。与2001年相比,2005年被拖欠工资的农民工中,就业于建筑业的比例有所降低,而就业于批发和零售贸易、餐饮业和制造业等行业的比例略有提高。但计量分析表明,建筑业的农民工仍然比其他行业的农民工显著地更容易被拖欠工资。被拖欠工资的农民工主要集中于个体私营企业。所有制对农民工是否被拖欠工资的影响非常显著。与党政机关事业单位的农民工相比,集体企业、个体私营企业、外资和合资企业的农民工,都更容易被拖欠工资。反映农民工个人特征的变量,对是否被拖欠工资没有重要影响。
    关键词:   农民工; 工资拖欠
    Wage Arrear of Migrants--An Empirical Analysis using China’s Urban Labor Survey Data
    Abstract:   This paper uses two rounds of a labor survey in 2001 and 2005 to analyze wage arrear of migrants in cities and its changes. The paper finds that the proportion of migrants suffering from wage arrear has largely decreased between 2001 and 2005 since the governments began to implement a series of policies to solve wage arrear problem in 2003. Migrants suffering from wage arrear are mainly employed in construction, wholesale and retail trade & catering services and manufacturing. Compared to 2001, of the migrants who suffer from wage arrear in 2005, the proportion in construction has decreased whereas the proportion in wholesale and retail trade & catering services and manufacturing has increased a little bit. However, the econometric result shows that, the migrants working in construction are still more likely to be suffered from wage arrear than other sectors. Most of migrants suffering from wage arrear work in private enterprises. Ownership has significant effects on the probability of being in wage arrear. The variables of personal characteristics of migrants don’t affect the probability of being in wage arrear.

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