The Informal Employment in Urban China: Size, Features and Earning Disparity Abstract: This paper is the first trial to estimate the size and describe the features of informal employment in urban China, and analyzes its impacts on the income disparity using the 2005 China 1% census data. Our estimation shows that the proportion of informal employment in urban employment of China has got a high level of 58.85% and the hourly earning’s gap between formal and informal workers got to 1.65 times in 2005. Inquiring the factors causing the gap, we find that 1/4 of them come from labor market discrimination. Within the disparity, earning’s inequality within informal workers is higher than that within formal ones, which contributes 51.09% of the earning inequality among all the workers. The earning gap between informal and formal workers also contributes 13.68% of the overall earning inequality. This means that formalizing of informal employment will be able to effectively reduce China's income inequality.
Key words: Informal Employment; Earning Gap; Income Inequality; Wage Differential
全文阅读 文章出处:经济社会体制比较,2012年第6期