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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 黎煦;高… 参加讨论

    摘要: 借鉴国内外有关非正规就业的定义,把在非正规部门就业的劳动者和在正规部门就业但没有签订劳动合同的劳动者统称为非正规就业者。通过实证研究发现,是否从事非正规就业,与劳动者的身份特征、人力资本状况、所在行业和职业等密切相关。非正规就业在我国具有长期存在和发展的合理性和必然性。与此同时,政府需要加大对非正规就业者劳动权益的保护。
    关键词: 进城劳动力; 非正规就业; 劳动者权益
    The Analysis about the Problems of Informal Employment of the China’s Rural Migrant Workers
    Abstract: By learning the definition of informal employment presented by researchers abroad and at home,this paper,referred both the workers employed in the informal sector and the workers who have not signed the labor contracts with the firms even though they are employed in the formal sector as the non-regular workers employed.By empirical study the paper found that whether engaged in informal employment is closely associated with worker’s identity,human capital status,industry and occupation.Informal employment in our country have long-term existence and development of rationality and necessity.Meanwhile,the government needs to strengthen the protection of the rights of non-regular workers employed.
    Key words: rural migrant worker; informal employment; rights and interests of workers

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