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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 高文书 ;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 进城农民工是推动中国经济高速增长的重要引擎,既便在生活和工作条件很艰苦的条件下,进城农民工为何还继续留在城市?利用2005年全国12个城市的大样本调查数据,通过研究进城农民工生活满意度的决定因素发现,对未来收入的预期是进城农民工生活满意度的一个重要决定因素。研究发现,很多进城农民工对未来的收入甚至生活状况都有良好的乐观预期,这对他们当前的生活满意度和幸福感产生了积极影响。这一发现对于中国的经济增长以及社会经济的稳定具有重要含义,因为保持社会经济的稳定对于保持中国高速的经济增长非常重要,而对未来收入的积极预期对于在经济转型时期保持社会经济稳定具有重要意义。
    关键词: 收入预期; 生活满意度; 进城农民工
    Future Income Expectations and Life Satisfaction of China’s Rural Urban Migrant Workers——An Empirical Study on the Migrant Workers in Shanghai and Other 11 Cities
    Abstract: China’s rural urban migrant workers have always been an important engine which drives China’s fast growing economy.Although the living and working conditions of them are poor,why do they still choose to stay in the cities? By using data of large-scale survey administered across 12 cities in 2005,and examining the determinants of the life satisfaction of the workers,we find out that future income expectation is an important determinant of their life satisfaction.This means that many migrant workers are optimistic about their future income and even their living conditions,which exerts positive influence on their life satisfaction and happiness at present.This finding has important implications for the economic growth and the social economic stability in China given that maintaining the social economic stability is important to maintain China’s high rate of economic growth,and positive future income expectation is has great significance in maintaining the social economic stability during times of economic transition.
    Keywords: Income Expectation; Life Satisfaction; Rural Urban Migrant Workers

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