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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王延中;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 健康是人类生存和发展的基础,中低收入群体的健康问题和医疗服务需求尤其值得政府和社会的关注。通过对七个省份(直辖市)中低收入群体医疗服务需求的实地调查和1642份问卷的分析,发现了中低收入群体医疗服务需求的特点和存在的问题,如健康状况不容乐观、慢性病发病率高、医疗负担过重等;并提出增加投入、完善基层医疗服务体系、减轻中低收入家庭医疗负担、探索新的医疗服务模式等完善中低收入群体的医疗服务与医疗保障的政策建议。
    关键词: 中低收入群体; 医疗服务需求; 调查; 问题; 建议
    Characteristics,problems and recommendations of the mid-and-low income group’s medical service demand:based on the survey of 1642 families
    Abstract: Health is the basis for human survival and development,health problems and medical services demand of mid-and-low income group are particularly worthy of government and society’s attention. By the field study on mid-and-low income families’ medical services demand covering 7 provinces and analysis on 1 642 questionnaires,we found some characteristics and problems of mid-and-low income group’s medical services demand,for example,the poor health status,the high chronic morbidity and the heavy economics burden of medical expenses. We also put forward some suggestions on the improvement of medical services and medical security of mid-and-low income group,such as improving primary healthcare system,relieving the economics burden of mid-and-low income group and exploring new model of healthcare services etc.
    Keywords: Mid-and-low income group; Medical service demand; Survey; Problem; Recommendation

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