Decomposition and Mechanism of Movement of China's Labor Income Share Zhou Minghai (University of Nottingham Ningbo China) Abstract: This paper decomposes the movement of labor income share since China's reform and opening up into employment, compensation and output effects.We find that the movement of labor income share is mainly determined by the net effects of the opposite movement of compensation and output effects, and the employment effect is relatively small Meanwhile, this paper distinguishes the decomposition of nominal and real labor income share, and finds that the real labor income share reflects the current situation of national income distribution of China.By using level and difference equations, the paper not only discusses the determinants of labor income share, but also analyzes the mechanism of movement of labor income share.We find that the affecting mechanisms of each variable on labor income share through three channels are different, but are consistent with the theoretical hypothesis and practical prediction.The output effect of industrial structure variable exceeds the other two effects, and the overall effect of industrial structure has the largest impact on the decrease of labor income share, which supports the “Kuznets fact” of movement of factor income share.
Keywords: labor income share, employment effect, compensation effect, output effect
JEL Classification: E22, E23, E24, E25
全文阅读 周明海,宁波诺丁汉大学,电子邮箱:MinghaiZhou@nottingham.edu.cn。本文得到国家社会科学基金青年项目“要素和个体收入分配的联动机制及其调整对策研究”(批准号:12CJY017)、国家社会科学基金重大招标项目“收入分配制度改革的总体框架与具体路径研究”(批准号:11&ZD013)、国家自然科学基金面上项目“经济发展方式转变背景下我国就业政策的实施效果评估及实施机制优化研究”(批准号:71173186)、国家自然科学基金面上项目“我国劳动力市场城乡一体化水平测量及进程研究”(批准号:71373233)的资助。本文在山东大学第二次“中国国民收入分配中劳动份额问题高层研讨会”和“第八届中国博士后经济学论坛”上报告过,感谢李实和柳欣的建设性意见。当然,文责自负。