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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 孙兆阳 参加讨论

    关键词:全国总工会 集体协商 工资效果 工会化
    Can Trade Unions Increase Workers Wage?An Analysis Based on EmployerEmployee Matehed Survey Conducted in Minhang District,Shanghai
    Abstract: Income distribution inequality is a serious social problem that China faces at the middleincome stage As the representative of workers interests, ACFTU should play a more important role in the primary income distribution By using an “employeremployee” matched survey data from Minhang District, Shanghai, the paper uses OLS method to analyze the union wage effect The result shows that union can significantly increase workers hourly wage, but not the weekly and monthly wage The reasons rely on the facts that unionized workplaces have high human capital level and more strictly abide labor regulations, such as working hours The paper also compares three different variables to determine the union status: the enterprise acceptance (ACFTU standard), employee consent (western standard) and employee recognition (the new standard) The results show that some unions do not fulfill the function of protecting workers interests; while their effects will cover most workers, if unions are actively organized However, unions have failed in communicating with workers, so some workers do not know unions contribution and do not identify themselves as union members Thus, the ACFTU and western standards of union status will undermine union wage effects As conclusion, ACFTU should pay more attention to the protection of lowskilled workers, such as migrant and female workers, and to increasing the scope of collective wage negotiation through regional and industrial collective contracts.
    Keywords: ACFTU, collective negotiation, wage effect, union status
    JEL Classification: J31, J51

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