关键词:全国总工会 集体协商 工资效果 工会化
Can Trade Unions Increase Workers Wage?An Analysis Based on EmployerEmployee Matehed Survey Conducted in Minhang District,Shanghai Abstract: Income distribution inequality is a serious social problem that China faces at the middleincome stage As the representative of workers interests, ACFTU should play a more important role in the primary income distribution By using an “employeremployee” matched survey data from Minhang District, Shanghai, the paper uses OLS method to analyze the union wage effect The result shows that union can significantly increase workers hourly wage, but not the weekly and monthly wage The reasons rely on the facts that unionized workplaces have high human capital level and more strictly abide labor regulations, such as working hours The paper also compares three different variables to determine the union status: the enterprise acceptance (ACFTU standard), employee consent (western standard) and employee recognition (the new standard) The results show that some unions do not fulfill the function of protecting workers interests; while their effects will cover most workers, if unions are actively organized However, unions have failed in communicating with workers, so some workers do not know unions contribution and do not identify themselves as union members Thus, the ACFTU and western standards of union status will undermine union wage effects As conclusion, ACFTU should pay more attention to the protection of lowskilled workers, such as migrant and female workers, and to increasing the scope of collective wage negotiation through regional and industrial collective contracts.
Keywords: ACFTU, collective negotiation, wage effect, union status
JEL Classification: J31, J51
全文阅读 文章出处:劳动经济研究,2014年第2卷第2期,p153-171