关键词:共同居住 独立居住 CHARLS数据
Does ParentChild Living Together Improve the Welfare of the Elderly Family? Evidence Based on CHARLS Data Abstract: This paper uses 2008 “China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS)” pilot survey data to conduct empirical study on the welfare difference between different types of elderly family, the elderly residential preferences and their current living mode, as well as the discrepancy between the above two Overall,all the diverse needs of the elderly, the needs of children, the change of population structure, the individual conception and the level of education have a substantial impact on the elderly residential preference and their current living mode The influence of traditional “son preference” and the big family values still have influence on current living mode Parentchild living together does not improve the welfare of the elderly Differences exist in different elderly groups: whether based on preferences or current modes, the proportion of the elderly with spouse living together with married children is lower than that of the single elderly Moreover, many elderly peoples living preferences have not been met.
Keywords: living together, living independently, China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study
JEL Classification: J14, J26, H55, I31
全文阅读 文章出处:劳动经济研究,2014年第2卷第2期,p134-152