关键词:迁移 留守妇女 务农
Labor Supply, Time Allocation, and Health Condition of the LeftBehind Women Abstract: The aggregate transformation of work during Chinas rapid economic development is being associated with a substantial but little noticed reallocation of traditional farm labor among women. We identify evidence of such changing patterns in womens work including increases in the participation of women in agricultural work. We then focus on nonmigrant women and how their work, time allocation and health are affected by living in a migrant household. We find that they are doing more farm work than would have otherwise been the case. For some types of women (notably older women) the labor reallocation response comes out of their leisure.
Keywords: migration,leftbehind women, farming
JEL Classification: I10, J22, R23
全文阅读 文章出处:劳动经济研究,2014年第2卷第2期,p16-40