关键词:高校扩招 劳动供给 大学工资升水率 替代弹性
Effects of Increased Supply of Graduates on College Wage Premium Wang Guanghui Abstract: China has begun expanding higher education since 1999. The policy of expansion caused the number of younger educated labor rapidly increased, and affected college wage premium. Following Card and Lemieux’s two-step model with the data set from 1989 to 2009, this paper examines the effect of changes in relative supply of our college graduate workers on their relative wages and further investigates the elasticity of substitution between college and high school cohorts.
Keywords: expansion of higher education, labor supply, college wage premium, elasticity of substitution
JEL Classification: J230,J240,J310
全文阅读 文章出处:劳动经济研究,2014年第2卷第1期,p152-165