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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 林宝 参加讨论

    关键词:可再生能源  就业效应  风电 太阳能 生物质能
    Employment Effect of Renewable Energy Industry Development
    Lin Bao
    Abstract: Rapid growth of renewable energy industry has brought lots of new jobs globally. This paper reviews existing studies on employment effects of renewable energy development. The employment in renewable energy industry can generally be divided to direct, indirect and induced one, and it is expressed by person-year based on unit investment, capacity or generation. Two approaches are usually used in the employment effect researches: Rule-of-thumb Factors and I-O model. These researches show that employment in renewable energy industry grows rapid too and has huge potential. Several technologies such as wind power, solar PV and biomass power are concerned rather more than other technologies, but the results are different because of their different periods, scales and areas. The employment effects of renewable energy technologies are higher than those of traditional energy technologies such as coal power and nature gas power. Generally, several problems still exist in these studies such as limited in data, too simple in approaches, narrow in study area and bad reliability in results. It is needed to improve in data collection, research depth and scope.
    Keywords: Renewable energy, employment effect, wind power, solar energy, biomass energy
    JEL Classification: J21, J44, N70

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