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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 孙婧芳 参加讨论

    关键词:低学历 就业 贫困 农村迁移劳动力
    Employment Crisis Faced by Labor with Lower Education:Evidence from Urban Jiangsu Province
    Abstract: This paper takes urban Jiangsu province as an example, analyzes requirement on human capital and influences on wage when technical advance is main source of economic growth by Probit-model and Heckman two step model. Findings are as follows: employment’s probability of labor with lower education is lower, and the relative wage continuously decreases; income of 36 year old married male labor with primary can’t make himself escape from poverty, with junior high school degree just can make 2 persons escape from poverty, which maybe let the whole family in poverty. Political suggestions are proposed with the fact average educational degree of rural migrant is less than junior high school degree: supply job training for rural migrant with lower education to improve employment’s ability; decrease educational cost for rural school-age children to promote human capital’s accumulation.
    Keywords: lower education; employment; poverty; rural migrant
    JEL Classification: J21, J23, J24

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