关键词:户籍制度 农村劳动力流动 城乡收入差距 劳动力市场 CGE模型
The Effects of Hukou System Reform on Rural and Urban Household Income --A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis Abstract: Applying a dynamic general equilibrium modelling approach and by decomposing rural and urban households’ income, this paper explores the effects of further reform of the Hukou registration system on China’s economic growth and income inequality between rural and urban households. The simulation results show that the reduction of institutional barriers will enhance the movement of rural labour from agricultural and non-agricultural sectors to urban sectors. The increased labor movement will boost China’s economic growth and the relatively faster increase in the wage payment to the rural residents will narrow rural urban income gap. Even through the wage level of rural migrants will be slightly lower than the baseline case, they are paid considerably better than agricultural and rural non-agricultural workers.
Keywords: hukou system, rural-urban migration, income inequality, labor market, CGE modelling
JEL Classification: J61, R23, C68
全文阅读 文章出处:劳动经济研究,2013年第1卷第1期