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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 王小鲁;… 参加讨论

    关键词:城市化率 劳动力转移 刘易斯拐点
    A Re-estimation of China’s Urban-Rural Employment and Urbanization Ratio
    Abstract: In this article, the authors scrutinize the official statistics on China’s urban and rural employment as well as urban and rural population. After carefully analyzing data from various sources, it is found that the national census data of 2010 understate the number of rural-urban migrant workers, implying underestimation of urban employment by 47 million and urbanization ratio by 3% percentage points in 2012. Nevertheless, large rural-urban migration is expected to continue, particularly with gradual removal of various institutional barriers. With imminent reforms to the infamous household registration, social security and public services systems, the urbanization ratio could gain at least 10 percentage points in the next ten years.
    Keywords: urbanization ratio,rural-urban migration,Lewis turning point
    JEL Classification:J61,R12,R23,P25

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