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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/8 《财贸经济》2013年第10期118-126,共9页 曾世宏 向… 参加讨论

        Technology-intensive Services' High Profitability: Market Forces or Innovative Bonus--With Additional Study on the Role of Structural Tax Cuts and Collaborative Innovation on Technology-based Service Industries' Innovation
    Service industries have higher average profitability than that of manufacturing sectors. This paper firstly builds a two-stage game model of cost-saving innovations and makes the theory hypothesis that the technical service industries' high profitability mainly comes from the R~-D of corporations, rather than their market power. The empirical test results show that there is a significant positive correlation between RInD and high profitability, but a significant negative correlation between market forces and high profitability by using the cross-sectional data of 60 technology-oriented service Listed companies. Service companies have not formed universal market forces. Firm size and life are not the primary determining factors of market power. So, the technology-oriented enterprises should pursue the innovation developmental strategy, not the market power blindly.
    关 键 词:技术密集型服务业 获利能力 市场势力 创新红利
    Technology-intensive Services, Profitability, Market Forces, Innovation Bonus
    分 类 号:F062.4
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