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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/8 《财贸经济》2013年第10期127-136,共10页 戴学锋 参加讨论

        Exploration of High Investment, Low Return Phenomenon of Tourism Industry
    Tourism investments have increased rapidly ever since the Reform and Opening-up, and have even surged in the new millennium. Even though tourism statistics is not comprehensive at all due to vague boundary of the tourism industry, tourism investments demonstrate such characteristics as broad scope, large scale, high total amounts and rapid growth according to existing data. Based on benefit analyses of tourism enterprises, the author finds that the return of tourism investment is quite low. Average return on equity of tourism enterprises was lower than loan interest rate in many years. This paper attempts to explain the reason why high tourism investments lead to low return.
    关 键 词:旅游业 旅游投资 旅游效益
    Tourism Industry, Tourism Investment, Return on Tourism Investment
    分 类 号:F812
    [10]Chen Ming-Hsiang, The Economy, Tourism Growth and Corporate Performance in the Taiwanese Hotel Industry, Tourism Management,Vol. 31,No. 5,2010,pp. 665-675.


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