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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/7 《中国人民大学学报》2012年第6期 孟捷 向悦… 参加讨论

    【关键词】 竞争一般 福特主义积累体制 新自由主义 强制竞争 competition in general Fordist regime of accumulation Neo-liberalism coercive competition
    【摘 要】 竞争是资本主义生产关系的一个重要维度,是资本主义生产的内在规律的外在表现。在马克思经济学的诸多基本理论中,竞争扮演了重要角色。但是,马克思的竞争理论又是没有充分展开和完成的,他侧重于分析资本主义基本经济制度对于竞争的影响,考察了自由竞争资本主义阶段的竞争体制的特点。在马克思之后,马克思主义经济学家进一步分析了各种中间层次的制度形式对于竞争的影响。 Competition, one of the crucial dimensions of capitalist relations of production, is the externalexpression of internal laws of capitalist production, which plays an important role in different theoriesof Marxian economics. Marx devotes himself to an analysis of effect of basic institutions of capitalismupon competition, and discloses at the same time the characteristics of competition regime at thefree competitive stage of capitalism. Yet Marxian theory of competition is not fully developed and finished.In this essay, the authors first discuss the effect of basic capitalist institutions upon competition,exploring the conception of competition in general which corresponds with capital in general.Then a critical review is proffered in the subsequent sections of the theories about Fordist regime ofcompetition and Neo-liberal regime of competition.


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