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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
popsical 古典流行乐的(形容词,非正式用语) (adjective, INFORMAL) Describing a new type of music combining popular and classical music (NOTE: humorous variation of the noun "popsicle" which is a frozen fruit juice snack) EXAMPLE: The celebrated classical cellist Yo-Yo Ma has produced several recent popsical CDs featuring jazz and rock tunes.
著名大提琴演奏家马友友最近推出了几张带有爵士与摇滚曲风的古典流行乐 CD。
prognosis 诊断(名词) (noun) A carefully considered business predication about the future, or medical prediction about the outcome of a disease (NOTE: "pro-gnosis" is Latin for " knowing before ")

1. BUSINESS EXAMPLE: The company's management paid careful attention to the famous business consultant's prognosis regarding next year's demand for their product.

2. MEDICAL EXAMPLE: The sick woman's family was happy to learn that her doctor expressed a good prognosis for her recovery.

shoegaze 做事时低头看地面(动词) (verb) To be staring down at the floor near one's shoes while doing something else, such as talking with a customers, playing a musical instrument, or listening to one's boss EXAMPLE: The manager was annoyed by the lazy young clerk who tended to shoegaze sullenly when answering customer questions in the shop.
服务费(名词,当代俚语) (noun, CONTEMPORARY SLANG) A small transaction fee charged to either a seller or a buyer by an outsider whose software or service made the transaction possible (NOTE: clipping derived from YIDDISH word "vyigrysh" which means "profit")

EXAMPLE: My software company earns an 0.2% vig on every transaction conducted through the use of our secure Internet shopping software.
我的软件公司从使用我们安全互联网购物软件进行的每笔交易中收取 0.2% 的交易费。

cleanware 环保产品(名词,当代商业俚语) (noun, CONTEMPORARY BUSINESS SLANG) A product or technology related to the creation of a cleaner global environment EXAMPLE: Many young business executives believe there will be great future profits in cleanware such as rechargeable batteries, fuel cells, and electric automobiles.


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
reader friendly 便于阅读的 Easy to read; not threatening or unnecessarily complex (NOTE: similar to "user friendly" which means "easy to use") EXAMPLE: A well-designed customer service manual for a product should be reader - friendly with lots of open space on the page, useful illustrations, and normal, everyday language.
the successful candidate 合适的应聘者(商业用语) (BUSINESS) Used exclusively in job descriptions, this phrase means "the person who will get the job" (NOTE: candidate in this usage means "job applicant") EXAMPLE: The job description said that the successful candidate will need at least five years of management experience in a related field and an MBA.
职位描述上说,应聘者必须具备相关领域至少 5 年的管理经验以及 MBA 学位。
to be shaking the trees 挖掘销售潜力 To be looking for extra sales that are not easy to find, usually because there have been very few sales recently (NOTE: this is a reference to shaking fruit trees to make the fruit fall) EXAMPLE: Business has been very slow recently so we are shaking the trees by revisiting old customers who we haven't see for a long time and trying to sell our products to them.
to be booked solid 因满员无法预订(非正式用语) (INFORMAL) To have no available space that can be reserved; expression used to describe hotel rooms, airplane flights, etc. (NOTE: "to book" means "to reserve")

EXAMPLE: Hotels are often booked solid in the summer at the popular seaside resort.

to cut down on something 减少(非正式用语) (INFORMAL) To do an activity less frequently, especially an activity that may have been done to excess previously EXAMPLE: To improve my health I decided to cut down on eating big meals, and to exercise more regularly.

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