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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
upsize 扩大规模(动词) (verb) To increase the size of something (NOTE: opposite is "downsize," meaning to decrease the size of something) EXAMPLE: Our company's recent successes mean that we will need to upsize our staff, hiring many new employees next year.
affluenza 物欲症(名词,略带幽默的俚语) (noun, MILDLY HUMOROUS SLANG) An obsessive psychological focus on materialism, characterized by working far too hard to make money, and possibly by going into debt in order to buy unneeded luxuries (NOTE: blend of "affluence" and "influenza")

EXAMPLE: I told my younger brother that he had a serious case of affluenza when he told me he was too busy making money to spend time with his lovely and intelligent girlfriend.

atmospherics 感官体验(复数名词,营销术语) (plural noun,MARKETING) Sensory aspects of experience, such as color, smell, and mood, which may influence a customer's appreciation of a product or service (NOTE: always plural) EXAMPLE: The famous hotel's management paid careful attention to the building's atmospherics, making sure that its dramatic lighting, fragrant flowers, soft music, and expensive furniture impressed every guest.
损害赔偿金(名词,法律术语) (noun, LEGAL) Money paid as compensation for injury or loss (NOTE: always plural in this usage)

EXAMPLE: The court awarded the victim of the industrial accident one hundred thousand dollars in damages.
法院判给这起工业事故的受害者 10 万美元的赔偿金。

kiddydrome 儿童玩具服装商场(名词,当代非正式用语) (noun, CONTEMPORARY INFORMAL) A large department store specializing in toys and clothing for children EXAMPLE: Every weekend thousands of parents in the big city take their children to the enormous kiddydrome that offers three floors of products for people aged ten and under.
这座大城市成千上万的父母每周都带着孩子来这家大型儿童玩具服装商场。商场共三层,出售 10 岁以下儿童用品。


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
tuned in 了解潮流的 Very aware of new trends (NOTE: "to tune in" means to listen to radio or watch a television channel) EXAMPLE: The clothing company hires stylish young designers who are quite tuned in and who can easily predict what will become fashionable.
complimentary copy 赠阅(期刊等)(商业用语) (BUSINESS) Free sample; free copy; something given as a favor to encourage future business EXAMPLE: The ad sales representative always gave his prospective customers a complimentary copy of his company's magazine.
favorable response 肯定的答复(正式用语) (FORMAL) yes; a positive reply to a proposal (NOTE: in certain formal situations it is more appropriate and less abrupt to use this expression instead of simply saying "yes" ) EXAMPLE: We made our offer to merge our company with a rival firm in a carefully written letter which we hoped would be met with a favorable response.
on short notice 一经通知立即…… With very little prior warning or without time to prepare for something that will happen quite soon

EXAMPLE: On short notice employees were told that the firm had been bought by another company, and they would have to move their offices to an unfamiliar new building next the following week.

optimal effectiveness 最大成效 An expression describing a condition in which operations are at their most efficient EXAMPLE: Some managers believe that six is the right number of members on a work team for optimal effectiveness - more would be too many, and fewer would are not be enough.
有些经理认为,一个工作团队要发挥出最大成效,最佳人数应为 6 人,增减一人都不合适。

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