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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
jitters 紧张(复数名词,非正式用语) (plural noun, INFORMAL) A nervous, anxious psychological state, especially one that occurs before an important event (NOTE: always plural) EXAMPLE: Before giving a speech, the company president often had the jitters.
rattletrap 破旧的设备(名词,俚语) (noun, SLANG) Something mechanical in very bad condition, but still operating, such as an old automobile (NOTE: sometimes humorous or mildly affectionate)  EXAMPLE: The only car the fresh graduate could afford to buy was just an old rattletrap, but it got him to and from the office every day.
贬损、辱骂(动词,俚语) (verb, SLANG) To disparage; to speak of in a disrespectful, slighting manner EXAMPLE: Nobody trusted the new employee who was always quick to slag his previous employers.
令人惊讶的(形容词) (adjective) Causing great astonishment; overwhelming EXAMPLE: The enormous construction project could only be built at a staggering price, which was larger than any single developer could afford.
teller 出纳(名词) (noun) Bank employee who accepts and pays out money to customers (NOTE: coming from historical, uncommon use of "to tell" meaning "to count") EXAMPLE: The young teller succeeded at his new job in the bank because he was careful with money and friendly to customers.


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
to be rife with 充满 To be filled completely with EXAMPLE: Our customer service operations were rife with problems that needed attention.
to be leery of 不放心的 To be suspicious of; to not have confidence in someone or something EXAMPLE 1: When he went on vacation, the old boss was leery of putting his son in charge because the young man was temperamental and inexperienced.
1. 休假的时候,上了年纪的老板对把职责交给儿子很不放心,因为这个年青人容易冲动,也缺乏经验。
EXAMPLE 2: I am leery of giving people my home telephone number if I don't know them well.
2. 如果是我不熟悉的人,我不会放心地把我家里的电话告诉他。
to gain currency 被接受 To develop respect and acceptance; to be taken seriously (used to described new ideas or new practices) NOTE: this is not related to "currency" as money EXAMPLE: Selling products over the Internet took time to gain currency, but now it is increasingly popular.在互联网上推销产品,这种做法当时并没有很快被接受,但现在越来越流行了。
to rethink one's position 重新考虑立场 Thinking carefully again about an opinion or decision made previously; to change one's mind on a subject EXAMPLE: At first we didn't think we needed to spend much on advertising, but now we are rethinking our position, and we will allocate more money in our marketing budget for next year.
with an eye toward something 有意于某事 Having the intention to do something specific in the future EXAMPLE: The elderly company owner had his son work with him often, probably with an eye toward giving the family business to the young man.

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