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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
component 部件(名词) One part of several parts which are combined to make a final entity EXAMPLE: Our manufacturing company produces components for airplane engines.
extol 夸耀(动词) To praise in a grand, repeated, and sometimes excessive manner EXAMPLE: The loud, arrogant salesman used to extol the merits of his product, but he never sounded credible.
巨大的(形容词,又作Gargantuan) Enormous; having great capacity; larger that realistic (NOTE: sometimes mildly humorous) EXAMPLE: The energetic young salesman has a gargantuan appetite and at one meal can eat as much food as three normal people.
1. 短期度假(名词)
2. 快速逃离(名词)
1. A brief vacation involving travel away from home and work

2. A quick escape
EXAMPLE: My wife and I are planning a weekend getaway at the beach next month.

EXAMPLE: The clever thief made his getaway before anyone saw him.
moneylender 放债人(名词) A person or institution that lends money with interest (NOTE: sometimes negative usage) EXAMPLE: Although the young businessman was in debt, he feared that borrowing from local moneylenders might increase his already serious financial problems.


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
a fake-out 骗人的把戏(当代俚语) A trick intended to cheat or confuse Example: The dishonest young clerk tried a clever fake-out to cover his mistakes at work, but his boss noticed them anyway.
fuzzy head 宠物(俚语,昵称) A house pet with fur, such as a dog or cat (term of endearment) EXAMPLE: We have a couple fuzzy heads at our house that get plenty of attention from our children.
landmark achievement 有重大意义的成就 A highly significant accomplishment, possibly of historic importance EXAMPLE: Edison's invention of the electric light bulb was a landmark achievement that changed the modern world.
"One minute!" “稍等!” Expression meaning "please wait, I will help you soon!" EXAMPLE: When too many customers came into his store at one time, the busy clerk said politely "one minute, please ... one minute" to each of them.
店里同时进来太多顾客,忙碌的店员有礼貌地对每位顾客说: “请稍等,请稍等!”
pay stub 工资条 A piece of paper showing an employee's amount of current pay, hours, deductions, and taxes paid (NOTE: the pay stub is attached to a paycheck) EXAMPLE: The employee carefully examined his pay stub to make sure he was getting paid properly by his company.

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