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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
placement 1. 放置(名词)

2. 职位搜寻(名词)

1. Setting something in a specific place or arranging in a specific manner

2. The act of finding employment for an applicant

EXAMPLE: Some companies are very particular about placement of their magazine advertisements and always want to be on approximately the same page each issue.

EXAMPLE: For a small fee the placement service was able to locate suitable jobs for over 90% of its customers.
这家人才服务公司收费不高,能为 90% 的客户找到合适的职位。
props 赞赏(名词,当代俚语) Respect and recognition (NOTE: clipping of "proper respect") EXAMPLE: Everybody in the office gave the young woman props for her hard work on the tough project.
招聘(名词) The process of finding new potential employees for a company EXAMPLE: A growing company needs to do recruitment continually in order to have the quality and the number of staff it needs.
使……恢复活力(动词) To make young again; to restore youthful energy EXAMPLE: The vigorous new president was able to rejuvenate the old company by his enthusiasm, creative new ideas, and smart business decisions.
snazzy 时髦的(形容词,非正式用语) Fashionable in a loud, expensive and colorful way that attracts attention EXAMPLE: The bold young salesman likes to wear an expensive suit and a snazzy Italian tie when he visits customers.


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
to be a little off 1.略有偏差

2. (俚语)略带疯狂

1. To be slightly mistaken

2. To be slightly crazy

EXAMPLE: The figures calculated by the bookkeeper were a little off, but it was easy to correct them.
to be under oath 经宣誓的 To be speaking in a court after having made a legal promise that what is said is true EXAMPLE: During his trial the dishonest man was afraid to tell lies because he was under oath.
to be steamed 愤怒的 To be quite angry EXAMPLE: The boss is steamed because two of our best employees quit this morning in order to join our largest competitor.
to go for it 1.全力以赴(非正式用语)

1. To attempt something with enthusiasm and total effort

2. To approve

EXAMPLE: For a while I was reluctant to start the new project, but when I saw how much fun it would be, I decided to go for it.

EXAMPLE: If we can demonstrate how much money this new idea can save us, our company's president will certainly go for it.

to recast a debt 重定债务 To adjust the terms of a loan when the borrower is in danger of not making full and timely payments, thus allowing payment to be made more easily EXAMPLE: When storms ruined the new coastal resort hotel, its owners knew they should try to recast a debt owed to their bank, rather than close their business permanently.

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