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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
backfire 1. 回火(名词)

2. 适得其反(不及物动词)
1. (noun) A loud explosion of unburned exhaust gases in a gasoline engine

2. (intransitive verb) To create an unexpected and unwanted result because of a miscalculation

EXAMPLE: The old truck made a sudden backfire which sounded like a firecracker.

EXAMPLE: The clever plan to give free services when we open our new store may backfire by causing customers to think these same services will be free in the future.

disintermediation 消除中间环节(名词) (noun) The process of eliminating the intermediary or "middle person" (such as a retailer) between producer and customer in a supply chain EXAMPLE: Our manufacturing company will soon start to sell product directly to customers online, hoping this experiment in disintermediation will result in increased revenues.
面向低端市场的(形容词) (adjective) Describing something intended for low-income customers; produced for cheap, possibly vulgar taste (usually negative) EXAMPLE: The previously luxurious furniture store has become much more downmarket since my last visit there, and now their products seem quite low in quality, as well as price.
剩余物(复数名词,非正式用语) (plural noun,INFORMAL) The remains after better parts have separated and risen, such as the sediment that falls to the bottom of a liquid EXAMPLE: We were looking for available product to sell to our eager customers, but in the warehouse we could only find the dregs of last year's big sale.
handler 名人顾问(名词) (noun) A manager or personal attendant who assists, directs, and often controls a celebrity in person EXAMPLE: The reporters hoped that they could interview the famous young singer if they could get her away from her handlers for a few minutes.


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
a shot in the arm to 支持,鼓励 A significant action to support something; a stimulus EXAMPLE: The recent magazine article about our company's innovative products was a shot in the arm to our marketing activities, helping to increase our fame and our sales.
arm twisting 强人所难(非正式用语) (INFORMAL) Using unusually strong persuasion or threats against someone in order to achieve a goal EXAMPLE: I don't like to use any arm twisting when asking my friend to do something for me, but if necessary I will remind him of all the special favors I have done for him in the past.
feet on the street 销售力量(工商俚语) (BUSINESS SLANG)Reference to a number of active sales people EXAMPLE: Our sales department is too small to succeed, so to increase our annual sales revenues we need to get more feet on the street by hiring additional sales representatives.
finishing touches 最后的细节处理 The small but important final details needed to complete something in an especially fine and distinguished way (NOTE: always plural)

EXAMPLE: To complete the luxurious new resort hotel, all that was needed were a few finishing touches such as a grand piano in the lobby and bouquets of fresh flowers in each guest's room.

to take on 1. 挑战

2. 承担工作
1. To challenge; to move actively against a competitor

2. To accept more of something; to include more than previously

EXAMPLE: Although our new company is very small, our staff is smart and quite experienced, so we have decided to take on the larger companies in our industry.

EXAMPLE: Since I needed more money, I decided to take on a second job in spite of the long hours that required.

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