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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
hefty 非常大的(形容词) (adjective) Very large in size or weight EXAMPLE: If the sales representative meets his annual sales goal, he will receive a hefty bonus equal to nearly one third of his salary.
roundtable 1. 圆桌会议(名词)
2. 圆桌会议式的(形容词)
1. (noun) A meeting of experts who express their individual opinions on a particular subject2. (adjective) Describing a discussion of experts at which everyone speaks as an equal EXAMPLE: The energy industry conference included a roundtable discussion at which the presidents of five regional petrochemical companies spoke.
无所不在的(形容词) (adjective) Being present everywhere at the same moment; omnipresent EXAMPLE: As a result of the advertising campaign, the ubiquitous face of the popular new singer appeared on wall posters, buses, magazine covers, and television ads.
支持;支撑(动词) (verb) To give support to with evidence or authority; to support from below EXAMPLE: The great philosopher's ideas underpin the beliefs of many young people today.
bedlam 混乱(名词) (noun) A condition of enormous, uncontrolled confusion (NOTE: for many years in England the hospital at Bedlam was for mentally ill patients) EXAMPLE: Everything was bedlam when our sales manager announced to all sales representatives that our prices were cut 75%, and then resigned without telling anyone.


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
to judge a book by its cover 以貌取人 To make the mistake of being fooled by appearances EXAMPLE: The short young man who wanted a job didn't look very intelligent, but I didn't want to judge a book by its cover, so I asked him some questions and soon realized he was very bright.
to take a keen interest in something 产生浓厚兴趣 To have an alert and enthusiastic interest in something (NOTE: "keen" means "very sharp" like the edge of a knife) EXAMPLE: I take a keen interest in checking the stock market daily because I want to see how my investments are doing.
to take a look 查看(非正式用语) (INFORMAL) To examine EXAMPLE: The first objective of our sales representatives was merely to convince our prospects to take a look at our new product.
terminal coolness 扮酷到了不可救药的地步(当代诙谐俚语) (HUMOROUS CONTEMPORARY SLANG) The condition of being too stylish and overly concerned with fashionable speech and behavior (NOTE: "terminal" as an adjective can mean "causing or approaching death" while "cool" in slang means up-to-date)

EXAMPLE: My younger brother is obsessed with wearing the most fashionable clothes and only listening to the most popular new CDs; he obviously suffers from terminal coolness.

business sense 商业意识 The ability to make appropriate and productive decisions in business situations EXAMPLE: The boss hired new young employees with good educational backgrounds, but he promoted them only if they also demonstrated good business sense.

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