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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
nonpayment 欠付(名词,非正式) (noun, FORMAL) The act of not paying a debt or other financial responsibility EXAMPLE: As a result of frequent nonpayment, the account of the company in financial trouble was canceled.
prolific 多产的(形容词) (adjective) Producing exceptionally abundant results, particularly in the form of intellectual or artistic works

EXAMPLE: The prolific author wrote more than fifty novels in twenty years.
这位多产的作家在 20 年里写了 50 多本书。

问题多的,棘手的(形容词) (adjective) Filled with many problems EXAMPLE: Since our previous president had ignored difficult issues with various employees, the new president had to deal with many thorny challenges.
无与伦比的(形容词) (adjective) The best; far better than any competitor; incomparable

EXAMPLE: Our company is the unrivaled leader in our field, and has a 70% share of the market for our products.
我们公司是业内无与伦比的领先者,我们产品的市场占有率达 70%。

agio 外汇兑换手续费(名词,商业用语) (noun, BUSINESS) The fee charged for exchanging money from one national currency to another (usually a small percentage of the total sum exchanged) EXAMPLE: The currency exchange booth at the airport charges 1% agio.
机场的外币兑换亭要收取 1% 的手续费。


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
to shoot the breeze 闲谈 To make casual conversation about nothing in particular To make casual conversation about nothing in particular
EXAMPLE: I like to telephone my brother every week without intending to seek any specific information or advice, but just to shoot the breeze.
a falling out 争论 An argument EXAMPLE: The boss and our top salesman had a falling out yesterday morning, and the salesman left the company by the end of the day.
con artist 骗子(非正式用语) (INFORMAL) A swindler; someone who deceives other people in order to steal from them EXAMPLE: The prosperous-looking tour guide was a con artist who sold unsuspecting visitors worthless travel tickets.
"don't risk a penny" “免费试用”(销售用语) (SALES) A common traditional expression meaning prospective customers pay nothing at all to try the product, and don't have a purchase requirement if they don't like it

EXAMPLE: To encourage customers to try the new exercise machine in the store, sales representatives told them "you don't risk a penny".
为鼓励顾客试用店里的跑步机,销售代表对他们说: “请免费试用。”

external trade 对外贸易 Business conducted outside a specific geographical area, such as a nation or region EXAMPLE: To increase external trade, the government of the remote, mountainous country wishes to improve railroad transportation across its borders.

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