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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
overreach 无视权限与能力(不及物动词) (intransitive verb) To attempt more than one can do or should do; to go beyond what is permitted EXAMPLE: The impulsive sales manager often got in trouble when he tried to overreach his authority and make deals that promised more than he could deliver .
pushback 应答,应对(名词,当代俚语) (noun, CONTEMPORARY SLANG) Aggressive verbal reply to severe questioning (NOTE: pushback often consists of previously prepared replies to anticipated questions)

EXAMPLE: When tough, experienced managers tested the newer , younger manager with difficult, sometimes sarcastic questions, he had plenty of pushback , and earned their respect.

(价值低于其地块的)破烂房(名词,俚语) (noun, SLANG) Any building that will be destroyed because it is worth less than the land on which it stands. EXAMPLE: The property investors considered the beautiful old building to be an annoying scrape they would replace with a tall office complex.
生气的(形容词,作表语,当代非正式用语) (predicate adjective, INFORMAL CONTEMPORARY) Angry

EXAMPLE: The sales representative was steamed when a good customer who was also a close friend of his suddenly started buying products from our competitor.

aboveboard 光明正大的(形容词) (adjective) Honest; fair; without tricks or deception EXAMPLE: Our company has a fine reputation for being aboveboard, and we fire any sales representative who misleads a customer.


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
touch and go 不确定的(非正式表达法) (INFORMAL EXPRESSION)Describing anything that may or may not continue or succeed; tenuous EXAMPLE: When we opened our business, everything was touch and go since the future looked uncertain and every day brought new problems for us to fix before other problems emerged the next day.
a quick bite 临时充饥 A small meal, eaten in only a few minutes (NOTE: always takes the article "a") EXAMPLE: The busy little restaurant in the airport offers travelers the opportunity to get a quick bite before continuing on their journeys.
bargain counter 特价品专柜 An area in a store (usually a table or counter) where certain products are sold very cheaply EXAMPLE: After May each year I can buy calendars for half price or less at the bargain counter of my local stationery shop.
"Do I have to paint you a picture?" “难道要我做给你看?” An expression of frustration at someone's failure to understand something that has been explained (NOTE: mildly sarcastic)

EXAMPLE: The impatient boss shouted 'do I have to paint you a picture?' when his new assistant failed to understand an office procedure.
当新来的助手不明白办公室的手续时,不耐烦的老板大喊: “难道要我做给你看?”

"Not happening!" “办不到!”(非正式用语) (INFORMAL) Expression meaning "you will not get what you want" (NOTE: negative and mildly aggressive) EXAMPLE: When the young man tried to borrow his sister's new laptop computer for a week, she laughed and shook her head shouting 'Not happening!
当这位年青人想借他姐姐的新笔记本电脑用一个星期的时候,她笑着摇头说: “办不到!”

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