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作者:佚名    文章来源:财富    点击数:    更新时间:2009/10/8


单词 中文释义 英文释义 例句
reiterate 重申(动词) (verb) To repeat a statement made previously EXAMPLE: During his speech to the employees the company's president reiterated his statement that everyone should treat every customer with respect and courtesy.
track 跟踪(及物动词) (transitive verb) To follow the progress of something carefully and systematically

EXAMPLE: Every month the sales manager felt it was quite important to track the sales results of each member of his department.

偿还部分债务(名词,正式用语) (noun, FORMAL) A partial payment of a debt EXAMPLE: Thirty days after the loan agreement is signed, the borrower's first tranche will be due.
贷款协议签署 30 日后,借贷方将第一次偿还部分债务。
热情洋溢的(形容词) (adjective) With enthusiastic commitment; having no doubts or hesitation

EXAMPLE: The teacher wrote a wholehearted letter of recommendation favoring the talented student.

bounce 离开(动词,当代俚语) (verb, CONTEMPORARY SLANG) To leave a place where one has been for a short period of time; to depart EXAMPLE: Always busy, my younger sister said: 'Well, I'd better bounce' after visiting me for ten minutes, and then quickly left.
我妹妹忙得不可开交,她来看望了我十分钟后就说: “好啦,我得走了。”很快,她就离开了。


短语 中文释义 英文释义 例句
trade counter (工厂或仓库内的)产品交易柜台 An area in a warehouse or manufacturing factory where products are sold to retailers directly, usually for a discount EXAMPLE: It is cheaper and faster for local retailers to make their purchases every morning at the company's trade counter near the front door of the factory.
a draw down in something 逐步减少 A slow, conscious, deliberate reduction in something EXAMPLE: This year we are spending a lot of money on ads, but next year we plan a draw down in our advertising expenses.
"All right already!" “够了”(非正式用语) (INFORMAL)Expression of mild frustration meaning "Stop! I have heard enough, please do not complain anymore" and impatiently admitting agreement (NOTE: often mildly humorous) EXAMPLE: All day we had been complaining about having to work on the holiday, so we cheered when our poor boss finally shouted 'All right already' and let everyone go home early.
"Nothing doing!" “绝对不行!”(非正式用语) (INFORMAL)Expression of strong disapproval meaning "I will not allow it; I will not participate in what you suggest!"

EXAMPLE: Sternly, the company president said 'Nothing doing!' when the dishonest sales manager suggested not telling the truth to customers about certain problems with our products.
这位不老实的销售经理建议不对顾客说出产品的问题。这时候,公司总裁严厉地说: “绝对不行!”

to be dialed in 消息灵通的(当代俚语) (CONTEMPORARY SLANG)To be well-informed EXAMPLE: Merchandise buyers for fashionable clothing stores have got to be dialed in so they can predict what customers will buy.

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