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http://www.newdu.com 2016/5/30 北京大学国家发展研究院 北京大学… 参加讨论


严格解,西方经济学的反思运动在经济危机前就在西方的大学校园开始。2000年6月,法国一群经济学大学生发起一场签名运动,反对与现实脱离的 “自闭经济学”(autistic economics), 引发法国媒体的广泛关注,并席卷为国际学生运动。麻省理工学院经济系主任,现任国际货币基金组织首席经济学家Olivier Blanchard 当时曾站出来为经济学辩护,剑桥与哈佛的诺贝尔奖经济学家Amartya Sen 加入对话试图妥协,德克萨斯大学教授 James Galbraith则亲到巴黎表示支持学生。法国学生至今坚持在网上办《替代经济学》杂志 (http://www.alternatives-economiques.fr/),但因为主要用法语写文章,对美国校园冲击不大。

这次对主流经济学的反思首先来自古典经济学的发源地英国,也是和美国同受金融危机冲击最严重的昔日金融帝国。2008年11月,英国女王首次访问著名的伦敦经济学院时,一向谨慎言论的女王,问了接待的经济学家一个尖锐的问题,为何你们没人察觉信用危机的到来?英国皇家学院为此在今年6月17日,专门召集了一个33人的专家论坛,包括当选为皇家学会会员(相当于科学院院士)的著名经济学家,政府金融机构和媒体要员,进行研讨,于今年7月22日正式给英国女王写信回复,并将检讨公之于众(见附件 BritAcademyToQueen.pdf)。其中承认经济学界至今只注意个体风险,不了解系统风险; 而经济学家,政治家,和社会各界人士对市场魔力的集体幻觉(delusion, collective imagination) 使经济学界不能预见到经济危机的来临,并保证努力总结经验,预防下次危机的重演。但是主流经济学家也列出许多客观因素,为主流经济学辩护,激起不同意见的十名英国与澳大利亚经济学家,以制度经济学杂志主编 Greffrey Hodgeson 为首,于今年8月15日连名发信给英国女王,批评主流经济学滥用与现实无关的数学模型,误导经济学学生,要求改革经济学的教育体系(见附件10EcostQueen809.pdf )。

真正冲击全世界的是英美的主流媒体,也加入对主流经济学的批评与反思。先是国际货币基金组织前首席经济学家,麻省理工学院斯隆商学院教授 Simon Johnson 在大西洋月刊上发表重头文章“安静的政变”,指出美国金融危机的根源是美国政府被金融寡头俘获,要走出金融危机必须拆分金融巨头机构。并指责某些著名经济学家也被金融利益集团的俘获(见附件 SJQuietCoup509.pdf)。今年7月11日,英国《经济学家》杂志以“郁闷科学”为题,以显著地位报道去年刚获诺贝尔经济学奖的克鲁格曼在伦敦经济学院的讲演,克鲁格曼宣称过去三十年的宏观经济学处于黑暗时代,“至多是无用的,最坏是有害的。”一石激起千层浪。紧接着,7月18日的经济学家杂志,以“经济学错在哪里?”作为封面故事,集中报道了两组经济学家分别的宏观经济学与金融经济学的检讨,并在8月6日,邀请芝加哥大学的诺贝尔经济学奖家,以七十年代发动反凯恩斯运动的新古典学派领导人卢卡斯做了题为“为郁闷科学辩护”的反驳(见附件 LucasDefense809.pdf )。

陈平立即在于8月7日《经济学家》网站上做了严肃的评论(http://www.economist.com/businessfinance/displaystory.cfm?story_id=14165405&mode=comment&sort=recommend),至今在网上被读者推荐的评论中排名第一 (见附件 PingChenCommentLucas80709.pdf)。


"Few economists saw our current crisis coming, but this predictive failure was the least of the field’s problems. More important was the profession’s blindness to the very possibility of catastrophic failures in a market economy ... the economics profession went astray because economists, as a group, mistook beauty, clad in impressive-looking mathematics, for truth ... economists fell back in love with the old, idealized vision of an economy in which rational individuals interact in perfect markets, this time gussied up with fancy equations ... Unfortunately, this romanticized and sanitized vision of the economy led most economists to ignore all the things that can go wrong. They turned a blind eye to the limitations of human rationality that often lead to bubbles and busts; to the problems of institutions that run amok; to the imperfections of markets – especially financial markets – that can cause the economy’s operating system to undergo sudden, unpredictable crashes; and to the dangers created when regulators don’t believe in regulation. ... When it comes to the all-too-human problem of recessions and depressions, economists need to abandon the neat but wrong solution of assuming that everyone is rational and markets work perfectly." (New York Times, September 2nd , 2009.)

Hodgeson 教授等立即发起一个签名运动,支持克鲁格曼(见:http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/revitalizing_economics/?e)。

虽然克鲁格曼在政策分析上对新古典经济学的批评十分尖锐,但在方法论上只批评空想的数学模型 (fancy math model) 脱离现实, 被芝加哥大学的 Cochrane 教授抓住把柄,反问以后的经济学是否还要用定量分析数据的办法来加以研究(http://faculty.chicagobooth.edu/john.cochrane/research/Papers/krugman_response.doc)。


陈平也同时写信给 Hodgeson 教授,指出误导经济学家的不仅是数学模型,口头表达的理想实验,例如弗里德曼的汇率市场上的套利妖精可以自动驱除噪声交易者和直升机撒钱模型,科斯的两方交易,无需第三方中介,可以解决利益冲突,从而为解除市场规范辩护的交易成本理论,都应当对这次金融危机的解除思想武装承担责任。Hodgeson 教授立即复信表示同意。

目前,中国各大高校的经济学教育,把引进美国主流经济学的教科书作为经济学现代化的重要步骤,从方法论上当然比传统的经济学用直观代替定量分析有所进步,但是思想上忽视经济学与科学的基本差别:即经济学没有像物理学那样的被实验证明的统一框架。主要的经济学流派有完全不同甚至相互矛盾的体系。这次经济危机的对策辩论,重新回到大萧条时代,古典经济学派,凯恩斯派,与奥地利学派的争论,而中国政府的经济政策,又深受马克思关于科学技术是生产力的影响,中国的结构调整早已超出西方经济学货币政策与财政政策的范围。但是国内重启的“国进民退”的争论, 似乎还落在西方政治家的后面。



Ping Chen’s Comment on Math and Economics at Krugman’s blogs at the New York Times


Posted on Sept.11, 2009


You clearly knew the policy implications of Lucas theory are wrong and Friedman’s monetary policy is weak, and the efficient market hypothesis simply useless and harmful. But you did not realize that their math models are also wrong, not because of fancy mathematics, but oversimplified or even misleading math.

All the market fundamentalist including Friedman, Lucas, RBC are followers of Frisch model of noise-driven business cycles, which is a perpetual motion machine, and Frisch himself knew he was wrong since 1934.

Lucas model of microfoundations was wrong because he ignored the principle of large numbers.

Derivative market breaks down, because Black-Scholes model is explosive in nature. Geometric Brownian motion model can be applied to stock price changes only if trading volume is near constant.

The so-called efficient market hypothesis has nothing to do with market efficiency, since random noise only accounts for 30 percent of market fluctuation, the rest is nonlinear chaotic movements with clearly define persistent cycles.

We published these results since 1988. Mainstream economists simply took a blind eye to all these new evidence of non-linearity, complexity, and market instability because new science of complexity cannot be “integrated” into optimization approach like Lucas did. The problem in economics is that linear thinking blocks nonlinear modeling. Not “too much math”, but “too narrow math.” “Narrow” is in the sense that they try to explain non-Euclidean phenomenon by Euclidean geometry. Is there any physicist would consider the Lucas model as “elegant” when his free economic agent has near zero-th degree of freedom, but even a gas particle has six degree of freedom.

Economists need re-education in math. Their math tool in time series analysis is even fall behind biologists and physicians. How many physicians believe the observed heart beats and brain waves are purely random walk and celebrating their finding of biological systems working in efficient way like this! Just primitive math bears a fancy name. CAPM is a linear model, which is far detached from a nonlinear financial market.

Ping Chen, a physicist at Peking University and formerly U.Texas at Austin, working on chaos theory of business cycle theory and nonlinear model of asset pricing since 1984.

— Ping Chen at PKU


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