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The Impacts of The Asian Economic Crisis on China′s Foreign Trade

http://www.newdu.com 2016/5/30 北京大学国家发展研究院 北京大学… 参加讨论

Wen Hai

Kaifeng Zhong

China Center for Economic Research

Peking University


June 1999


The Asian financial crisis is now almost two years old.  It started in Thailand in July 1997, and quickly spread to most countries in Southeast and East Asia. The financial crisis has become an economic crisis. Since China has similar financial and economic problems as many of its troubled neighbor countries, many people have constantly predicted in 1998 that China would be the next victim in the Asian crisis dominos. Although China has survived well so far, its economy has also suffered deeply from the Asian economic crisis.  The impacts of the Asian economic crisis on China''''s economy are mainly on the external sector. However, the economic performance in the external sector would further affect China''''s macroeconomic situation. This paper examines the impacts of the Asian economic crisis on China''''s foreign trade (in particular on export).  It also attempts to discuss the possible impacts in the near future.





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