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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 边燕杰;… 参加讨论

    摘要: 市场化是中国经济改革的突出特征和重大成果。在市场化进程中 ,中国城市的收入分配格局是否发生了重大变化 ?怎样理解这些变化 ?本文以这一问题为主题 ,从中西学术对话的意愿出发 ,在介绍和归纳美国社会学者关于转型国家市场化与收入分配关系主要论点的基础上 ,提出了“市场发展与政府经济职能转变互动”的观点及相应的研究假设。笔者对 1 988年和 1 995年中国城市住户收入调查数据所做的统计分析结果支持了该研究假设。
    关键词: 市场; 收入分配; 政府职能; 人力资本
    Marketization and Income Distribution: Analyzing the 1988 and 1995 Urban Household Income Surveys
    Abstract: Marketization is one of the hallmarks and major achievements of China’s economic reforms. Have tremendous changes taken place in the pattern of income distribution in urban areas? How should we understand these changes? Starting from a wish to unfold an academic dialogue between East and West, and based on an overview of the main arguments of American sociologists about the relationships between marketization and income distribution in transitional countries, this article offers a theory of “interaction of market development and the transformation of governmental economic functions.” The authors’ statistical analyses uses data from the 1988 and 1995 Urban Household Income Surveys to support their assumptions.

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