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List of Literature

http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/28 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 佚名 参加讨论

    1.        Keyfitz, Nathan. 1975. “How do we know the facts of demography?” Population and Development Review 1: 267-288.
    2.        Caldwell, John C. 1976. “Toward a restatement of demographic transition theory.” Population and Development Review 2: 321-366.
    3.        Bongaarts John. 1978. “A framework for analyzing the proximate determinants of fertility.” Population and Development Review 4: 104-132.
    4.        Knodel John and Etienne van de Walle. 1979. “Lessons from the past: policy implications of historical studies.” Population and Development Review 5: 217-245.
    5.        Hajnal, John. 1982. “Two Kinds of Preindustrial Household Formation System.” Population and Development Review 8(3): 449‑494.
    6.        Hugo, Graeme J. 1982. “Circular Migration in Indonesia.” Population and Development Review 8:59-83.
    7.        Caldwell, John C. 1986. "Routes to low mortality in poor countries." Population and Development Review 12(2):171-220.
    8.        Ryder, Norman B. 1986. “Observations on the History of Cohort Fertility in the United States.” Population and Development Review 12(4): 617‑643.
    9.        Kunitz, Stephen J. 1987. "Explanations and ideologies of mortality patterns." Population and Development Review 13(3): 379-408.
    10.    Massey Douglas. 1988. “Economic Development and International Migration in Comparative Perspective.” Population and Development Review 14(3): 383-402.
    11.    Bongaarts John. 1991. “The KAP-gap and the unmet need for contraception.” Population and Development Review 17: 293-31.
    12.    Massey, Douglas S, Joaquin Arango, Graeme Hugo, Ali Kouaouci, Adela Pellegrino, and J. Edward Taylor. 1993. “Theories of International Migration: a Review and Appraisal.” Population and Development Review 19: 431-466.
    13.    Pollak, Robert A. and Susan Cotts Watkins. 1993. "Cultural and economic approaches to fertility: Proper marriage or mesalliance?" Population and Development Review 19: 467-496.
    14.    Kannisto, Vaino, Jens Lauritsen, A. Roger Thatcher, and James W. Vaupel. 1994. "Reductions in mortality at advanced ages: Several decades of evidence from 27 countries." Population and Development Review 20(4):793-810.
    15.    Bongaarts John. 1996. “Global Trends in AIDS mortality.” Population and Development Review 22: 21-45.
    16.    Bongaarts John & Susan Cotts Watkins. 1996. “Social interactions & contemporary fertility transitions.” Population & Development Review 22(4): 639-682
    17.    Rindfuss, Ronald R., Karin L. Brewster, Andrew L. Kavee. 1996. "Women, Work, and Children: Behavioral and Attitudinal Change in the United States." Population and Development Review 22(3): 457‑482.
    18.    Caldwell, John. 1997. “The global fertility transition: The need for a unifying theory.” Population and Development Review 23(4): 803-812.
    19.    Bledsoe, Caroline, Fatoumatta Banja, and Allan G. Hill. 1998. "Reproductive mishaps and western contraception: An African challenge to fertility theory." Population and Development Review 24(1): 15-57.
    20.    Hummer Robert, Richard Rogers, & Issac Eberstein. 1998. “Socio-demographic differentials in adult mortality: A Review of Analytic Approaches.” Population and Development Review 24(3): 553-578.
    21.    Lee, James and Wang Feng. 1999. "Malthusian models and Chinese realities: The Chinese demographic system, 1700-2000." Population and Development Review 25(1): 3-65.
    22.    Massey, Douglas F. 1999. “International Migration at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century: The Role of the State.” Population and Development Review 25: 303-322.
    23.    Wrigley, E. A. 1999. “Corn and crisis: Malthus on the high price of provisions.”  Population and Development Review 25 (1): 121-128.
    24.    Macunovich, Diane J. 2000. “Relative cohort size: Source of a unifying theory of global fertility transition?” Population and Development Review 26(2): 235-261.
    25.    McDonald Peter. 2000. “Gender equity in theories of fertility transition.” Population and Development Review 26(3): 427-439. 
    26.    Montgomery, Mark R. 2000. “Perceiving mortality decline.” Population and Development Review 26(4): 795-819.
    27.    Liang, Zai. 2001. “The Age of Migration in China.” Population and Development Review 27:499-524.
    28.    Bongaarts John. 2002. “The end of the fertility transition in the developed world.” Population and Development Review 28: 419-443.
    29.    Salomon, Joshua A. and Christopher J. L. Murray. 2002. “The epidemiologic transition revisited: Compositional models for causes of death by age and sex.”  Population and Development Review 28(2): 205-228.
    30.    Carey James and Shripad Tuljapurkar. 2003. “Beyond Life Span: Evolutionary, Ecological, and Demographic Perspectives.” A supplement to vol. 29 Population and Development Review
    31.    Demeny Paul. 2003. “Population Policy Dilemmas in Europe at the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century.” Population and Development Review 29: 1-28
    32.    Ruggles, Steven and Susan Brower. 2003. “Measurement of Family and Household Composition in the United States, 1850-2000.” Population and Development Review 29 (1): 73-101.
    33.    Caldwell C. John. 2004. “Demographic theory—a long view”. Population and Development Review 30: 296-316.
    34.    Bongaarts John. 2006. “How long will we live?” Population and Development Review 32(4): 605–628.
    35.    Carnes Bruce & Jay Olshanski. 2007. “A realist view of aging, mortality, and future longevity.” Population and Development Review 33 (2): 367-381.
    36.    Soares, Rodrigo. 2007. “On the determinants of mortality reductions in the developing world.” Population and Development Review 33(2): 247-287.
    37.    Bongaarts John, Thomas Buettner, Gerhard Heilig, Francois Pelletier. 2008. “Has the HIV epidemic peaked?” Population and Development Review 34: 199-244.
    38.  Skeldon Ronald. 2008. “International migration as a tool in development policy: A passing phase?” Population and Development Review 34(1): 1-18.

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