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李鹏、欧阳耀福:《The dynamic impacts of financial development and human capital on CO2 emission intensity in China: an ARDL approach》(金融发展和人力资本对中国二氧化碳排放强度的动态影响:ARDL方法)

http://www.newdu.com 2020/1/7 社科院经济研究所 佚名 参加讨论207

    来源:《Journal of Business Economics and Management》2019年第20期
    Abstract. This paper studies the dynamic impacts of financial development, human capital, and economic growth on CO2 emission intensity in China for the period 1978–2015, with a structural breakpoint in 1992, by employing an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach.The estimations show that there exists a long-run cointegration linkage among the variables, with three main findings. First, financial openness measured by net FDI in?ows can signifcantly reduce CO2 emission intensity in both the short-term and the long-term, whereas the e?ects of both financial scale and financial efficiency are limited and insignificant. Second, there exists an inverted N-shaped relationship between human capital and CO2 emission intensity: improving human capital first decreases CO2 emission intensity (before 1992), then increases it in the short-run (afer 1992), and, finally, lessens it in the long-run. Last, raising per capita income can also significantly lower CO2 emission intensity in the long-run. Accordingly, some policy implications are also discussed.
    Keywords: CO2 emission intensity, financial development, human capital, economic growth,ARDL, China.
    JEL Classifcation: D82, D83, D86, I11.
    附件:李鹏、欧阳耀福:《The dynamic impacts of financial development and human capital on CO2 emission intensity in China: an ARDL approach》

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