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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/29 中国社会科学院人口与劳动经济学网 陈永伟;… 参加讨论

    摘要:本文利用“中国家庭动态跟踪调查”2010年的调查数据,对不同性别求职者的职业选择行为、及他们的工资、晋升机会的决定进行了分析。借助于结构化估计,我们发现:源于各职业内部的工资和晋升方案差异会对男、女求职者的职业选择行为产生重大影响,对女性进入高工资行业形成阻碍。通过对Brown et al.(1980)的分解方法进行扩展,本文发现,上述影响能解释近1/5的性别工资差异。男女在职业偏好上的不同,扮演着“自动稳定器”的作用,其对职业选择的影响对缩小性别工资差异起着较大的作用。
    关键词:职业选择 性别歧视 工资差异
    Occupational Choice, Gender Discrimination and Wage Differentials: An Investigation on China’s Urban Labor Market
    Chen YongWei & Zhou Yi
    Abstract: In this paper, we use Chinese Family Panel Studies data 2010 to investigate the occupational choices of employees of different genders, and also analyze the determinants of their wages and promotional probability. Based on a structural estimation, we find that different schemes within occupation may have great impact on the occupational choices of employees of different genders, and may build a barrier to high salary jobs for the female. By using an extension of Brown et al.’s (1980) decomposition, we find this impact can explain about 1/5 of male-female wage differentials. It shows that the different occupational preferences between genders work as automatic stabilizers, and may help to reduce the wage differentials.
    Keywords: occupational choice; gender discrimination; wage differentials 
    JEL Classification: J2  J3  J7 

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