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http://www.newdu.com 2021/7/9 爱思想 林毅夫 参加讨论

    Ladies and gentlemen:
    It’s a great pleasure for me to speak at this commencement of ISSCAD. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the 32 doctoral students and 1 master student fortheir completion of the very challenging program.
    You are government officials, but at the same time, you study at this challenging program. You are able to compete all the requirements and to reach today, which shows your personal intelligence, and demonstrates your determination to complete the task. This is something that you should be proud of.
    You are all elites in your countries, and elites have the responsibility for the prosperity of their motherlands. You are from developing countries and all share the same dream of becoming prosperous and catching up with the advanced countries. However, inspite of all the efforts which your fathers and yourselves have devoted, many countries still have not realized their dreams. In the class of this program, we have learned that the main reason for the developing countries unable to realize their dreams is that the ideas which guide their efforts are not appropriate.
    In the program we have also studied that the best way to help your country become industrialized and modernized is to follow the comparative advantages of your country, and in the market economy with a facilitating government those comparative advantages will become the competitive advantages of your country.
    With the new ideas you learned from ISSCAD, I am sure you can contribute to the dynamic economic growth of your country, just like my country has achieved in the past four decades, and you will be considered as a hero in your country.
    We also understand that in the modern times, if you want to explore the potential of your country to a full extent, you need to utilize your domestic market, as well as international market, and you also need to explore the potential of your domestic resources, as well as international resources. These are what we learned in the class. To realize those potentials, globalization is the best way. However, we see the de-globalization trend and the anti-globalization movement emerge in some parts of the world, which become barriers to our efforts for modernization.
    Currently, we are fighting against the threat of the pandemic. From this experience, we also understand that in the coming years we are going to face challenges from the pandemic, from climate changes, and from financial and geopolitics crises and so on. The best way to cope with those kinds of challenges is cross-border international cooperation. However, we also see some signs of nationalism which act asbarriers to international cooperation.
    I hope, as a student of the Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development, with the spirit of ISSCAD, you will champion the idea of international cooperation for the development of your own country as well as for the peace of the world.
    In the coming years, I am sure you are going to achieve a lot. As teachers of the ISSCAD, we would like to be cheer leaders of your achievements, so please share your achievements with us.
    In the coming years, you will also encounter all kinds of challenges. Your teachers and classmatesat ISSCAD will be ready to be your supporters.
    Let me congratulate your completion of the challenging program and we look forward to your achievements in the coming years.
    Remember always, you are students of the ISSCAD.
    Thank you very much!

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