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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/8 《中国社会科学》2012年第3期 114-128,共15页 李骏[1] … 参加讨论

    关 键 词:收入分配 平等 公平 社会分层 主观感受
    分 类 号:F124.7
    [4]Jonathan Kelley and M. D. R. Evans, "The Legitimation of Inequality: Occupational Earnings in Nine Nations," American Journal of Sociology, vol. 99, no. 1, 1993, pp. 75-125.
    [5]Xiaogang Wu, "Income Inequality and Distributive Justice: A Comparative Analysis of Mainland China and Hong Kong," The China Quarterly, vol. 200, 2009, pp. 1033- 1052.
    [6]John F. Stolte, "The Legitimation of Structural Inequality: Reformulation and Test of the Self-Evaluation Argument, " American Sociological Review, vol. 48, no. 3, 1983, pp. 331-442.
    [7]James R. Kluegel and Eliot R. Smith, "Beliefs about Stratification," Annual Review of Sociology, vol. 7, 1981, pp. 29-56.
    [8]Jonathan Kelley and Krzysztof Zagorski, "Economic Change and the Legitimation of Inequality: The Transition from Socialism to the Free Market in Central East Europe, " Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, vol. 22, 2004, pp. 319-364.
    [9]James R. Kluegel and Eliot R. Smith, Beliefs about Inequality: Americans' Views of What Is and What Ought to Be, New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1986.
    [10]Adam Szirmai, Inequality Observed: A Study of Attitudes toward Income Inequality, Aldershot Hants, England: Avebury, 1988.
    [11]Stefan Svallfors, "Worlds of Welfare and Attitudes to Redistribution: A Comparison of Eight Western Nations," European Sociological Review, vol. 13, no. 3, 1997, pp. 283-304.
    [12]Robert V. Robinson and Wendell Bell, "Equality, Success, and Social Justice in England and the United States, " American Sociological Review, vol. 43, no. 2, 1978,pp. 125-143.

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