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http://www.newdu.com 2018/3/8 《财经研究》2014年第3期30-41,84共13页 战明华[1… 参加讨论

    The Heterogeneity of Sector Investment and Multiple Equilibrium of Economic Growth in China: A Theoretical Explanation Framework of the Cause of "Middle-income Trap" in China
    Different from previous research, this paper assumes that the problem of middle-income trap can be regarded as a special multiple-equilibrium phenomenon in the process of economic growth in developing countries, so it can introduce the problem of mid- dle-income trap into a standard growth theory framework. After the introduction of the inter -sector investment heterogeneity into Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans dynamic general equilibrium model, it first theoretically puts forward a proposition that the changes in the ratio of indi- vidual and private investment affect the economic stability equilibrium point and higher ratio of individual and private investment results in higher stability equilibrium point. Then based on the consideration of the link of theoretical and econometric models and the effectiveness of parameter estimation and statistical inference of the econometric model, it uses both VAR and SVAR impulse response analysis to empirically test the proposition. It gives great signif- icance that it makes a link between current research conclusions and traditional mainstream growth theory to provide a solid microeconomic foundation for these conclusions.
    关 键 词:投资异质性 多重均衡 中等收入陷阱
    investment heterogeneity multiple equilibrium middle-income trap
    分 类 号:F061.3F120.3
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